Freitag, 26. August 2011

Vancouver, B.C.

Last week I started my B.C. trip, first stop was Vancouver.
Checked out the city, bought a car and had my first rides at the famous "North Shore"...

Early morning shore view (hostel window)

Hostel room

My new place to travel and live in:)

Rush our in Vancouver

I met a guy, Chris, at the hostel and he took some pictures of me riding the Shore.
First time behind the lense, thanks man!
"Ladies Only" is a double diamond trail - rocky, steep (sometimes) and pretty fun to ride!

At every bikcshop you can get trail maps that you don't get lost in this big and rough area...

Mt. Fromme map

This tree is massive!

Vancouver is a place where a big part of the freeride movement started, during a hike up I saw this old hidden creek gap.
Wade Simmons did it many years ago and crashes hard...


After five days in Vancouver I started off to Whistler!
But I'm going to be back in a while.
Next blog entry coming soon...

Always make sure that old shady cars have enough coolant...
Still running well!


1 Kommentar:

  1. Sehr schick
    Komme gerade erst aus BC, aber wenn ich den Blog lese will ich direkt zurück. Respekt, dass du den Blog von unterwegs pflegst,
    ich wollte ein tägliches Roadtrip-Diary als Blog betreiben und bin in 2 Wochen auf drei Einträge gekommen.
